Happy Vibes Flower Box


Happy Red and Yellow Gerberas and Lilies Flower Box filled with gerberas lilies roses in a yellow box

Send positive and happy vibes to your loved ones, colleagues and friends with this cheerful flower box arrangement
The Red and Yellow Gerberas and Lilies Flower Box is a bright and cheerful flower box perfect as a pick me up to brighten some ones day or to send for a variety of occasions including, Congratulations, Get Well, Just Because or Valentine’s Day Flowers and Mother’s Day FlowersFlower Box Arrangements


Same Day Flower, Plant and Gift Delivery across Melbourne


+ $20.00
+ $40.00


+ $8.00


+ $26.00
+ $15.00
+ $12.00
+ $12.00


+ $90.00

Under liquor license laws this alcohol product must be purchased with flowers. The value of the liquor must not be more than 50% of the total gift value. The person purchasing the alcohol must be over 18 years of age. A Person aged over 18 must be home to personally receive delivery or for click and collect.

Teddy Bears

+ $10.00
+ $10.00
+ $10.00


+ $10.00
Product price
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There are many benefits to sending Flowers
  • Receiving flowers bring out the best moods  in all of us, even on the worst days in existence
  • Different flowers have many meanings, but they are savvy presents because of their thoughtful expressions
  • Recipients will most likely remember this event, no matter how seldom or frequently it happens.
  • Floral gifts express congratulations, well-wishes, or simply show you care about someone.
Advantages of Boxed Flower Arrangements

No Need to Rearrange

No Vases Needed

Easy Maintenance

To keep the flowers fresh, the recipient should water the boxed flowers daily. Water is soaked by the floral foam at the base.

How to Keep Flowers Fresh for Long

Flower Care
  1. Flowers should be kept away from warm areas.
  2. Remove wilted and other materials from the box to extend flower life.

Sending this Red and Yellow Gerberas and Lilies Flower Box will delight the lucky recipient. View our Flower Boxes Collection here