Purple Phalaenopsis Orchid in Blue Pot or Purple Moth Orchid in Blue Pot.
Commonly referred to as the Moth orchid, Phalaenopsis, is one of the most widely available species of orchids and are one of the longest blooming orchid genera, producing flowers that last from 2 to 6 months before dropping!
Orchids Care Instructions:
- For best results avoid placing the orchid in direct sunlight. Give 1 cup of water for each stem your orchid has, once every 10 days.
- If the orchid has finished blooming and there are no new buds left in the stem, find a node closest to the last bloom and cut the stem there.
- After a couple of weeks, there should be new stem growth and you will get new blooms if you continue to water once every 10 days.
- If the whole stem has died, cut the stem on the last node at the base of the leaves.
- It will take a little longer but there should be new growth depending on how the plant is being looked after. Please continue to water once every 10 days, just 1 time.
Purple Phalaenopsis Orchid in Blue Pot is a beautiful gift.