Thank You


Thank You Chrysanthemums Carnations Roses in Vase.

Gorgeous Chrysanthemums Carnations Roses in Vase. Wonderfully styled and perfect to say Thank You to your Mum on Mother’s Day and other occasions when you want to send Thank You wishes. Approximately 45cm High.

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In the language of flowers, the chrysanthemum carries the symbolic meaning of devoted love, loyalty, happiness, longevity, and joy. These flowers are native to Asia and northeastern Europe and have held significant cultural importance. As they’re commonly called mums, chrysanthemums are the official flower for celebrating Mother’s “Mum’s” Day in Australia.

Also known as ‘Chrissies’ or ‘Mums’, Chrysanthemums are traditional Mother’s Day flowers. In Asia, they symbolise birth or rebirth, elsewhere they represent happiness, joy and loyalty. The perfect pick for a Mother’s Day gift

View our Mother’s Day Collection here and our Flowers in a Vase Collection here