

Kaboom is a Bright Orange Bouquet which goes off with a bang!

This eye catching bright bouquet includes various coloured lilies, roses, stock and alstromeria wrapped in hot orange wrapping Orange Flowers

Same Day Flower, Plant and Gift Delivery across Melbourne


+ $20.00
+ $40.00


+ $8.00


+ $26.00
+ $15.00
+ $12.00
+ $12.00


+ $90.00

Under liquor license laws this alcohol product must be purchased with flowers. The value of the liquor must not be more than 50% of the total gift value. The person purchasing the alcohol must be over 18 years of age. A Person aged over 18 must be home to personally receive delivery or for click and collect.

Teddy Bears

+ $10.00
+ $10.00
+ $10.00
Product price
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Though the symbolism associated with colours and flowers may change over time, there’s one fact that remains: the colour orange provokes a reaction. Sometimes sacred, sometimes royal, occasionally cautionary, but always bold — orange always makes a statement. Orange flowers are no different.