White Gem


Bouquet of White Roses with Pink Rose Highlights and green accents and blue wrapping.

A beautiful white bouquet which is a stand out and will make  a lovely floral gift to the lucky recipientwhite flowers


Same Day Flower, Plant and Gift Delivery across Melbourne


+ $20.00
+ $40.00


+ $8.00


+ $26.00
+ $15.00
+ $12.00
+ $12.00


+ $90.00

Under liquor license laws this alcohol product must be purchased with flowers. The value of the liquor must not be more than 50% of the total gift value. The person purchasing the alcohol must be over 18 years of age. A Person aged over 18 must be home to personally receive delivery or for click and collect.

Teddy Bears

+ $10.00
+ $10.00
+ $10.00


+ $10.00
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As one of the most common flower colours worldwide, it’s not surprising that White Flowers carry such a wide range of meanings.

From innocence and young love to honesty and devotion, happiness and hope to elegance and new beginnings, white flowers bring a bright touch of thoughtfulness to any floral gift thanks to their storied history and rich meaning and symbolism today.

Thanks to their diverse meanings and associations, white flowers in a vase are appropriate for many gifting occasions.

For instance, weddings, new baby celebrations, and christenings are the perfect occasion to gift white blossoms.

White flowers are also an excellent choice for Mother’s Day Flowers and as Sympathy Flowers.

View our White Flowers Collection here.