Bold and Sassy Chic Bouquet


Sassy on trend Lilies Bouquet featuring flamingo lilies, asiatic lilies and a bird of paradise.

A Bold Orange and Yellow Bouquet for that special person who appreciates bold colours and design. Send a message to someone that you appreciate them and their style. A perfect gift to send for a variety of occasions including Birthday’s, Congratulations, Get Well  and Mother’s Day Flowers
The Bird of Paradise and Anthurium are subject to seasonal availability
bouquets pink bouquets purple bouquets purple chrysanthemum bouquets


Same Day Flower, Plant and Gift Delivery across Melbourne


+ $20.00
+ $40.00


+ $8.00


+ $26.00
+ $15.00
+ $12.00
+ $12.00


+ $90.00

Under liquor license laws this alcohol product must be purchased with flowers. The value of the liquor must not be more than 50% of the total gift value. The person purchasing the alcohol must be over 18 years of age. A Person aged over 18 must be home to personally receive delivery or for click and collect.

Teddy Bears

+ $10.00
+ $10.00
+ $10.00


+ $10.00
Product price
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The Colour Orange is often associated with amusement, the unconventional, extroversion, warmth, fire, energy, activity, danger, taste and aroma.

Lilies are perfect on their own or matched with other flowers. Suitable for any occasion Lillies are versatile and universally popular. Please note that some hospitals don’t accept Lilly deliveries to patients. View our Lilies (click here) collection of arrangements.