20 Peony Roses


Bouquet of 20 stems of gorgeous Peonies (various flower head sizes) beautifully presented as a Peony Roses Bouquet in lovely wrapping and ribbon.

The peonies roses bouquet will arrive to you almost in bud because we buy our flowers fresh. Over the days after delivery the buds will gently expand as layers and layers of petals unfurl with the final blooms being quite large giving an incredible display. Colour depending on availability


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Bouquet of 20 stems of gorgeous Peonies (various flower head sizes) beautifully presented as a Peony Roses Bouquet in lovely wrapping and ribbon. The peonies roses bouquet will arrive to you almost in bud because we buy our flowers fresh. Over the days after delivery the buds will gently expand as layers and layers of petals unfurl with the final blooms being quite large giving an incredible display. Colour depending on availability